Pine tar
A grey mountain cabin that brings back memories
Lisa Lind has a charming log cabin in the middle of Kittelfjäll ski resort in Västerbotten that she built herself based on her father’s sketches. Painting the house with Pine Tar Vitriol was a natural choice after her sister Maja used it for her log cabin nearby. Lisa says that the paint was nice and easy to use, that the smell brought back memories and that the colour blends into the beautiful mountain environment.
The Pine Tar Vitriol’s protective properties were also an important part of the paint selection for Lisa. “It felt good when the grey colour permeated the wood to give good protection. But it is still easy to see the timber’s character, and the lovely colour changes depending on the light. Neighbours, friends and acquaintances all say that the house feels unique, that the colour blends very nicely into the mountain setting and that the colour suits the house.”